Saturday 22 December 2012

Grade 10 Independent Study Project (15%)

Communications Technology TGJ20 I.S.P.

Due: Monday January 28th 2013

Research a communications technology subject of your choice and submit either a PowerPoint presentation or a Word document that is 4 pages in length and meets these criteria:

1 .     Knowledge: 2 pages where you write about the ideas, methods and skills required to produce the communications technology products or services of your chosen subject.

2.     Thinking: 1 page where you discuss the effects of your chosen
      communications technology on society and the importance of representing
      cultural diversity in media productions. 

3.  Communication: use your research to teach your classmates about your subject and be attentive and respectful when they teach you about their subjects.

4.     Application: 1 page where you discuss the science and math used for your chosen subject.

Your research must have a minimum of 4 sources on a reference list at the back of your document in A.P.A. style (see blog post or handout for details) and one must be a book.



1. Knowledge: (A1) demonstrate an understanding of the ideas, methods and skills required to produce communications technology products or services.
2. Thinking: (C2) demonstrate an understanding of social effects and issues arising from the use of communications media technologies and the importance of representing cultural and social diversity in media productions.
3. Communication: (A3) demonstrate an understanding of and apply the interpersonal and communication skills necessary to work effectively in a team setting.
4. Application: (A2) demonstrate an understanding of basic technical terminology, scientific concepts, and mathematical concepts used in communications technology.


Product Criteria
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Below Level 1

In 4 pages of a PowerPoint or a Word document, show how one example of communications technology works (ideas, methods and skills)
Identifies the criteria extensively.
the criteria capably.
Identifies the criteria partially.
Identifies the criteria minimally.
Does not identify the criteria.                       



In one page of the document discuss the effects of your subject on society and why it is important to respect cultural diversity in media projects.
Identifies the criteria thoroughly.
Identifies the criteria considerably.
Identifies the criteria partially.
Identifies the criteria in a limited way.
Identifies the criteria insufficiently.


Use your research to inform your classmates about your subject.
Informs classmates
Informs classmates
Informs classmates
Informs classmates
in a limited way.
Does not inform


In one page discuss the science and math used for your chosen subject.
Identifies the criteria thoroughly.
Identifies the criteria considerably
Identifies the criteria partially
Identifies the criteria in a limited way.
Identifies the criteria insufficiently.

Grade 11 Independent Study Project (15%)

Communications Technology TGJ3M I.S.P.

Due: Monday January 28th 2013

Research a communications technology subject of your choice and submit either a PowerPoint presentation or a Word document that is 5 pages in length and meets these criteria:

1.     Knowledge: 2 pages where you write about or present the ideas, methods and skills required to produce the communications technology products and services of your chosen subject.

2.     Thinking: 1 page where you discuss or show the effects of your chosen
      communications technology on society and the importance of respecting   
      cultural diversity in the production of media projects.

3.     Communication: 1 page where you discuss or show the science and math used in your communications technology.

4.     Application: 1 page where you write about or present the different types of equipment and software and how they are used to perform the communications technology tasks of your subject.

Your research must have a minimum of 6 sources on a reference list at the back of your document in A.P.A. style (see blog post or handout for details) and one must be a book.


1. Knowledge: (A1) demonstrate an understanding of the ideas, methods and skills required to produce communications technology products and services.
2. Thinking: (C2) demonstrate an understanding of the social effects of current communications media technologies and the importance of respecting cultural and societal diversity in the production of media projects.
3. Communication: (A3) demonstrate an understanding of technical terminology, scientific concepts, and mathematical concepts used in communications technology.
4. Application: (A2) demonstrate an understanding of different types of equipment and software and how they are used to perform communications technology tasks.


Product Criteria
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Below Level 1

In 5 pages of a PowerPoint or a Word document, show how one example of communications technology works (ideas, methods and skills)
Identifies the criteria extensively.
the criteria capably.
Identifies the criteria partially.
Identifies the criteria minimally.
Does not identify the criteria.                       



In one page of the document discuss the effect of your subject on society and why it is important to respect cultural diversity in media projects.
Identifies the criteria thoroughly.
Identifies the criteria considerably.
Identifies the criteria partially.
Identifies the criteria in a limited way.
Identifies the criteria insufficiently.


In one page of the document discuss the science and math used in your chosen subject.
Discusses the science and math extensively.
Discusses the science and math capably.
Discusses the science and math partially.
Discusses the science and math in a limited way.
Does not discuss the science and math.

Discuss the equipment and software needed for your chosen subject.
Identifies the criteria thoroughly.
Identifies the criteria considerably
Identifies the criteria partially
Identifies the criteria in a limited way.
Identifies the criteria insufficiently.

Grade 12 Independent Study Project (15%)

Communications Technology TGJ4M I.S.P.

Due: Monday January 28th 2013

Research a communications technology subject of your choice and submit either a PowerPoint presentation or a Word document that is 7 pages in length and meets these criteria:

1.     Knowledge: 3 pages where you write about or present the advanced ideas, methods and skills required to produce the communications technology products and services of your chosen subject.

2.     Thinking: 2 pages where you discuss or show the effects of communications technology and media activities on society and cultural diversity.

3.     Communication: 1 page where you discuss or show the science and math used in your communications technology.

4.   Application: 1 page where you write about or present the different types of   
      equipment and software and explain how they are used in creating   
            communications media.

 Your research must have a minimum of 8 sources on a reference list at the back of your document in A.P.A. style (see blog post or handout for details) and one must be a book.


1. Knowledge: (A1) demonstrate an understanding of advanced ideas, methods and skills required to produce communications technology products and services.
2. Thinking: (C2) demonstrate an understanding of the effects of communications technology and media activities on society and cultural diversity.
3. Communication: (A3) demonstrate an understanding of technical terminology, scientific concepts, and mathematical concepts used in communications technology.
4. Application: (A2) describe different types of equipment and software and explain how they are used in creating communications media.

Product Criteria
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Below Level 1

In 7 pages of a PowerPoint or a Word document, show how one example of communications technology works (ideas, methods and skills)
Identifies the criteria extensively.
the criteria capably.
Identifies the criteria partially.
Identifies the criteria minimally.
Does not identify the criteria.                       



In one page of the document discuss the effects of your subject on society and why it is important to respect cultural diversity in media projects.
Identifies the criteria thoroughly.
Identifies the criteria considerably.
Identifies the criteria partially.
Identifies the criteria in a limited way.
Identifies the criteria insufficiently.


In one page of the document discuss the science and math involved in your chosen subject.
Discusses the science and math extensively.
Discusses the science and math capably.
Discusses the science and math partially.
Discusses the science and math in a limited way.
Does not discuss the science and math.

Describe the equipment and software needed for your chosen subject.
Identifies the criteria thoroughly.
Identifies the criteria considerably
Identifies the criteria partially
Identifies the criteria in a limited way.
Identifies the criteria insufficiently.

Unit 3 Learning Goals

By the end of this unit the student will be able to:

use the necessary skills to work well with a team;

produce work that shows creative and technical skills with current technologies;

show an understanding of how communications media affect the environment and how we can reduce these effects.

The 3 Rules of Composition in Photography

Here is a brief PowerPoint about the 3 rules of composition in photography that we covered in Comm. Tech. over the past two weeks and that we applied in the photo essays that were due earlier this week.

The 3 rules that make any photo more successful are:

- Focal point

- The rule of thirds

- The rule of odds

Sunday 9 December 2012

The Creative Process

The Creative Process will be used throughout the course by all students to develop all class projects and assignments.

Here is a step-by-step approach to the process:

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Unit 2 Learning Goals

Graphic Design

1. use project management techniques to develop communications technology products effectively in a team environment;

2. apply the creative process to meet a range of challenges in communications technology;

3. demonstrate an understanding of the ideas, methods and skills required to produce a range of communications media products and services.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Graphic Design: 4 fundamental principles

This week in Comm. Tech. we finished the first unit on the history of communications inventions and on how to communicate and we started our second unit: graphic design.

We are making collages by hand and digitally with newspaper and with Photoshop to communicate the 4 fundamental principles of graphic design: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity.

After we finish making the collages and are more familiar with the 4 principles, we will start our major assignment for this unit: a poster done in Photoshop that makes use of the 4 principles.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Unit One Test Review

The Phonograph

How it works:

- Developed: by trying to improve the telegraph + the telephone

- A needle is attached to the diaphragm (the part in the telephone that vibrates when voice hits it)

- To record voice or music: the needle moves up and down based on the vibrations of the voice or music and makes indents in a piece of paper

- Later, tin foil replaced the paper as a recording material, and then wax, and then vinyl (records)

How it changed society:

- Invented by Thomas Edison in 1877

- It marks the beginning of the recording industry

The Telephone

This invention transmits speech electronically, through wires and was patented by Alexander Graham Bell in the 1870s.

- The telegraph and telephone are both wire-based electrical systems, and Alexander Graham Bell's success with the telephone came as a direct result of his attempts to improve the telegraph.

- Bell had extensive knowledge of the nature of sound and his understanding of music enabled him to see the possibility of transmitting multiple messages over the same wire at the same time.

- The telephone replaced the telegraph.

- In 1970, Motorola developed the cell phone (the size of a brick).

Now, we use digital cell phones that combine different kinds of communications technology including:
the phone, the camera, the internet and an MP3 player.

The Telegraph + Morse Code

The Telegraph:

This invention uses electricity to transmit messages faster than they could be physically carried, over huge distances.

While a professor of arts and design at New York University in 1835, Samuel Morse proved that signals could be transmitted by wire.

He used pulses of current to deflect an electromagnet, which moved a marker to produce written codes on a strip of paper.

He then invented a code that is used to communicate every letter of the alphabet through dashes and dots: Morse Code.

This was a revolutionary advance in communications technology because it created the “wired world”.

It’s main limitation was that it needed an operator to translate the Morse Code back into English.

In your portfolio, write your name in Morse Code.

Saturday 24 November 2012

The Printing Press

Earlier this week in Comm. Tech. we watched the BBC film: "The Machine That Made Us" hosted by Stephen Fry (available to watch on youtube).  The film takes us on a journey to remake the original Gutenberg press by hand, along with the paper and the type that would have been used in 1439 when it was first invented.

Here are some examples of the work covered in the film:

The Printing Press

The Moveable Type

The first book ever printed: the Gutenberg Bible